Mercredi 9 mars
Le prix du DL2000 est tombé : 1400$ soit un peu plus
de 1000€. Au niveau où je l'avais prévu ! Donc inabordable... (à titre de comparaison la canne que j'ai acheté vaut 22€).
Comme ils racontent tout sur leur site, ils en ont produit 84 unités commercialisables et on sortit un tableau de justification du
prix (en anglais).
Cela reste un merveilleux objet technologique mais à ce prix là je passe mon tour. Faut pas exagérer.... mais je me demande si leur modèle économique ne repose pas sur la domination pro vu tout
le temps qu'ils ont pris pour que l'on puisse envoyer des ordres par internet. Mais il doit y avoir une clientèle pour cela, vu que les cages de chastetét du même prix partent...
Si le prix baisse nettement, nous reverrons peut être notre position.
Par dyonisos
Publié dans : Les Objets
Dimanche 30 janvier
La DL2000 arrivera avec un manuel de dressage pour le mari soumis, dont voici le projet de sommaire. Très américain tout ça.
Style and beauty courses:
Cunnilingus techniques
G-spot stimulation techniques
How to give Multiple org*sms
Vaginal org*sms
Stimulating the lips and vulva properly
Clitoral Stimulation
Foot massages
Back massages
I Verbal
..a Never talk back to a lady.
..b Never interrupt a lady while she's talking.
..c When ladies are having a discussion, never interject unless invited to.
..d ...
II Standing
..a Stand when a lady enters the room
..b Stand when a lady raises from her seat
III Public Interaction
..a Hold the door open for a lady
....1 The proper technique for opening and hold a car door
....2 What to do in situations where the lady doesn't wish to have the door held open
..b Extend a hand or arm to a lady who might benefit from the support (going up or down stairs, getting in or out of a car, etc).
..c Step aside to let the ladies go first
..d How to greet guests
IV Table Manners, when accompanying
V Table Manners, when serving
VI Telephone manners
VII ...
I Laundry
..a What colors go in what temperatures
..b When and how to use bleach
..c Drier settings for different fabrics
..d How to Iron
....1 Impacts of different temperatures and what's safe for what fabrics
....2 What garments to starch and how much starch is the right amount
..e How to effectively hand wash garments
II Cleaning
..a How often the bed sheets need to be laundered
..b What types of cleaners are best for what types of surfaces and stains
..c How to tell if a surface is really clean
III Dishes
..a How to load and operate a dishwasher (this is debatable - my boyfriend washes dishes by hand, but some ladies might allow their dishwasher to use an automated dishwasher)
IV Windows & Glass picture frames
..a How to give them that 'streak fee shine'
V Dusting
VI Carpet & Vacuuming
..a How to use those rental carpet cleaning unit things
..b How to tell when one of those rental units are needed instead of just vacuuming
1 : Introduction to the kitchen. Learn what all the different cooking utensils are (pot vs. frying pan vs. skillet etc). Learn how to measure different quantities (cup vs. tablespoon vs. teaspoon
etc). Learn the difference between a filleting knife and a chopping knife. The objective here is that after completing this course and having a decent cookbook/recipe they ought to be able to
make 85% of whatever's out there.
2 : Breakfasts. Learn how to boil eggs. Learn the technique for making eggs over easy (without breaking the yolk). How to make scrambled eggs. Then omelets. How to butter toast without tearing it
all apart. How to time things so that neither the toast nor the eggs get cold while waiting for the other.
3 : Basic dinners. How to make the standard typical dinner. How to cook steak to rare, medium-rare, medium, or well done. Preparing chicken, side dishes, etc.
4 : Presentation dinners. How to cook a dinner for a more formal type setting. This would be things from Thanksgiving turkey to those french sounding dinners you get at a formal restaurant.
5 : Deserts. Cookies, pies, cakes, pastries, etc. No fair using pre-made or ready to cook stuff. This is from scratch, like grandma use to make.
Comprehensive butler-skill training
Par dyonisos
Publié dans : Les Objets
Jeudi 13 janvier
Trouvé sur le web, un meuble discret et sympa qui se transforme... je vous laisse deviner les usages.
Par dyonisos
Publié dans : Les Objets